BREAKING NEWS- A few days ago the Moran Blvd. grade crossing in Orello began malfunctioning in spells of two minutes on, one off. After witnesses saw the crossing not activate for an AWVR train until after it began crossing, AWVR rushed to the crossing and shut down Moran Blvd. between Rafael St. and Boone Rd.
"It was scary seeing the crossing not working. I honked my horn as many times as I could praying that I wouldn't hit someone," said conductor of the train Fakey McFakerson.
Local resident Jessica McHuman was at the Shell station by the crossing when it happened. "The crossing had just gone up after malfunctioning like it had the past day or so. Next thing I knew, I heard the horn of a train. Not until after the train was blocking the crossing did the signals go off. It was scary".
This is also putting businesses in a bad spot.One of those businesses is MaxDoughnuts. Owner Sweet Brown said "I went outside to the parking lot to get me my lunch, and I heard a horn. I thought someone cut someone off. Then I said 'Oh lord Jesus it's a train'. I ran inside and grabbed my phone. I got two kids. Aint nobody got time fo' that!"
AWVR workers are working around the clock to get this solved.
This is actually happening in the game. The crossing won't stop malfunctioning, and the crossing not going off for the train did too. Usually it worked, but it was the moment the train came at, which is right when the crossing turned off, that caused it to not work.