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Saturday, March 19, 2011

What Trainz is

Trainz is a common computer model train game that is great. The point of it is to make routes as realistic as possible. A good railroad in Trainz is considered this:

That is the Clovis sub, which is set in New Mexico. No, I did not create this. Any questions? Post a comment on this post.

BNSF Stacktrain

A BNSF Stacktrain on the Clovis Sub*.
*The Clovis Sub, which in set in New Mexico, is NOT my route. Credit for the route goes to Trainz user Dermmy.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My day at the loop

Well, I have not told a Trainz story for a while, so I will do it now:

Today, I had to wait 45 minutes to finally see trains come through at the Emerald Loop on the Emerald Pass. However, it was worth it. First, I saw a short Union Pacific Intermodal train powered by TWO CSX LOCOMOTIVES!!!! How often do you see CSX leading a train in the West Coast?

The train above is the same train as below.

Six minutes later, I saw a BNSF train carrying Military Vehicles! How often do you see that!

It was a great day, but I should call it a night.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

BNSF and Amtrak meet at the loop

I am currently creating a WIP route that has a fictional loop in it! Just like the Tehachapi, except fictional! Yes, it is mostly the ugly default texture, that will change.

Amtrak superliner and the top of a container:

Amtrak locomotive and the middle of the BNSF:

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Welcome! This is my third "talk" blog. Crossingtalk and Traintalk are the others, although Traintalk never took off. I hope that you all will enjoy this blog. The concept of this blog is to not post crossings from Trainz, but to post pics. from my/other people's creations. Crossings may be used on here as scenery, though. The reason was because I did not want to get off-topic from railroad crossings. What would people think if I posted a just train picture in a crossing blog? Duh! So, that is why I am opening this up. I will have the same junk as I do in my Crossingtalk. Here is my first pic:


Three trains were involved in this!